KwaZulu Natal Regional Office of Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer Office • South Africa • 5 followers

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The KwaZulu-Natal Regional Office of Technology Transfer (KZNR-OTT) is an office funded by the National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO) to support technology transfer in four tertiary institutions in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, namely: University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT), University of Zululand (UZ) and the Durban University of Technology (DUT) (the “Regional Institutions”). The KZNROTT supports the Regional Institutions to identify, protect and commercialise intellectual property that emanate from research and development.

We support our Regional Institutions through offering both operational and strategic support services of technology transfer. Our operational services include case-by-case consultative support throughout the tech transfer value chain, including conducting intellectual property, market and commercial case evaluations for invention or technology disclosures. Afterwards, we offer legal, intellectual property and commercial support to see the inventions or technologies through to successful commercialisation, including drafting and reviewing of transaction specific agreements, as well as compiling business plans for new ventures created.

The strategic role of the KZNROTT includes the creation of partnerships (business and non-business) within triple-helix stakeholders (tertiary institutions, government institutions and industry) in commercialisation of technologies from the Regional Institutions.

Contact person

Technology Transfer Office
Room 200 Innovation Centre, Gate 9 Rick Turner Road Durban 4001 South Africa

About our Innovation Strategy

We are currently seeking best-in-class collaboration partners for our publications listed in the tab Opportunities. We want to invite you to cooperate with us, so please repond to any of the opportunities by submitting one or more proposals. Our team will directly evaluate them and get back to you with a response. Please provide as much detailed non-confidential information as possible to facilitate the engagement process.

Research areas (4)

Electronics, IT and TelecommsEnergy TechnologyMedical Health relatedDiagnostic

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